Whey is the yellowish liquid left over when you make various cultured milk products. There are actually two kinds of whey, and they have different uses.
Sweet Whey
Sweet whey is the liquid that is produced when making hard cheese like cheddar cheese or most soft cheeses. Sweet whey can also be drained from clabbered raw milk, yogurt, milk kefir, or cultured buttermilk.
Milk Kefir Starter Kit
Acid Whey
Acid whey is the liquid produced from making more acidic cultured dairy products such as paneer, homemade feta cheese, chevrè, or whole milk ricotta.
- Soak grain in acid whey for making breads.
- Feed acid whey to animals. They may like sweet whey better, than acid whey. Whichever kind you feed them, be careful, because it can upset their digestion if they consume too much.
- Use whey on the skin and hair. Some people claim that whey has excellent toning qualities for the skin and hair. Try some on a cotton ball and apply to your face as a toning agent or add a few cups to bathwater.
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You can use sweet whey the same way you use acid whey, in addition to these ways below:
- Reconstitute fruit juice to add nutritional value.
- Use it as a starter culture when fermenting vegetables.
- Make whey lemonade.
- Add it to yogurt smoothies and shakes to provide more vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
- Use as cooking liquid for potatoes, rice, grits, pasta, and grains.
- Drink it straight!
- Make whey cheeses.
- Make lacto-fermented drinks such as fermented ginger ale and limeades.
- Put it in your compost pile. It adds nutrients and makes thick, black compost.
Whey can be strained from cultured dairy and placed in a covered container in the refrigerator, where it will keep for several months. It can also be frozen and used at a much later date. Any way you decide to use this beneficial byproduct, be happy in the knowledge that you are adding some amazing extra nutrition to your diet and avoiding unneeded waste.
Looking for ways to use whey? Download one or all of our free Yogurt Guide and Recipe book today and start cooking some delicious whey-based dishes!