


what does kombucha taste like

Kombucha has been around for centuries, and now it has become all the rage in the United States as well. One question that many people who still haven’t tried this fermented drink frequently ask is: What does kombucha taste like? That’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this article. So, let’s dive in without further ado. 

What is Kombucha and What is it Made From:

kombucha with scoby

Before we jump right into the main discussion of “does kombucha taste good,” let's lay the groundwork with a discussion of what kombucha is and what it's made from.

Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented tea that's been used for centuries. It's also sometimes called mushroom tea since the kombucha SCOBY looks kind of like a mushroom cap. Although the origin of kombucha is still unknown, many claim that it originated in China and then migrated to Japan and Russia. 

Kombucha is made by fermenting sweetened black or green tea with a kombucha starter. The fermentation process creates a fizzy, slightly sour drink that is packed with probiotics and other beneficial compounds. Kombucha is not only incredibly healthy, but it's also super tasty!

So, What Does Kombucha Taste Like?

Now, onto the taste. Generally, kombucha is a slightly tart and effervescent fermented tea. This is due to the presence of acetic acid, which is a byproduct of the fermentation process. 

Acetic acid is the same compound that gives vinegar its characteristic sour taste, but kombucha differs from most commercial vinegars in that its acetic acid content is only about 2%, compared with commercial vinegars that have 4–7% acetic acid.

In kombucha, the acetic acid is balanced by the natural sweetness of the tea (black, green, oolong, etc.) and any additional sweeteners that may be added during a second fermentation. 

Usually, after the first fermentation, the taste of kombucha may vary slightly, depending on how it's prepared. Just like kefir, which has a slightly acidic flavor after its first fermentation, kombucha can be transformed into different flavors during the second fermentation. 

You can add any flavors or ingredients you like to create a unique taste profile during the second fermentation of kombucha. Whether you prefer fruity, floral, or spicy flavors, there's a kombucha recipe out there that's sure to tickle your taste buds.

See Related: Homemade Kombucha Recipe

Continuous Brewing Kombucha Kit

Trust points for Continuous Brewing Kombucha Kit
Ready to brew your own Kombucha? The Continuous Kombucha Brewing Kit from Cultures for Health is exactly what you need. Brewing your own Kombucha saves you tons of money over store-bought tea, allows you to control the ingredients, and gives you a rewarding and healthy hobby you'll enjoy. Included in...

Does Kombucha Taste Good?

Now, onto the big question: Does kombucha taste good? Well, that really depends on your personal taste preferences. 

If you enjoy sour or tart flavors (such as kefir, wine, etc.), chances are you'll love kombucha. If you prefer sweeter drinks (soda, juices, smoothies, etc.), getting used to the kombucha taste might take some time. However, many people find that kombucha grows on them over time, and they come to appreciate this divine tea's unique taste and many health benefits.

Moreover, with so many flavors and variations of kombucha available, there's sure to be a kombucha out there that suits your taste buds.

Factors That Affect the Kombucha Taste

woman preparing kombucha

The taste of kombucha can vary depending on several factors; for instance, the type of tea used, the length of the fermentation process, and any additional added flavorings or ingredients. 

Type of Tea

The type of tea used in making kombucha is one of the most significant factors influencing its final taste. For instance, black tea is the most common kind used in making traditional kombucha. It contains compounds that are beneficial to the fermentation process. 

Black tea tends to give kombucha a stronger, more robust flavor with notes of tannins and a slight bitterness. Green tea and white tea can also be used. They give kombucha a lighter, more delicate flavor.

See Related: Does Kombucha Have Caffeine?

Fermentation Period

The length of time that kombucha is left to ferment can also significantly impact its final taste. During the fermentation process, the kombucha SCOBY consumes the sugars in the tea, producing carbon dioxide and organic acids. 

Thus, as the fermentation progresses, the acidity of the kombucha increases and the sugar content decreases, making it taste tarter. If you ferment kombucha for a shorter period, the resulting drink will be sweeter and less acidic.

Important Note: Fermenting kombucha for too long can result in an unpleasantly sour or vinegary taste. Therefore, it's recommended to taste your kombucha regularly throughout the fermentation process to ensure it's not becoming too sour or vinegary.


Another flavor component of kombucha is the presence of carbonation. During the fermentation process, carbon dioxide is produced, giving the drink a fizzy texture similar to soda. This carbonation can vary in intensity depending on the length of the fermentation process and the amount of added sugar. 

During the second fermentation, let the kombucha carbonate at room temperature for 2–4 days. If you prefer a higher carbonation level, let the kombucha carbonate longer with added sugar.

See Related: Does Kombucha Have Alcohol?

Additional Flavoring

Many kombucha makers also add flavors and ingredients to their products during second fermentation to create unique taste profiles. For instance, apricots, apples, cranberries, bananas, ginger, chamomile, lemon, cinnamon, mint—the sky's the limit! 

Some people even experiment with more unusual flavors, like jalapeño or hibiscus. These additional flavors can add complexity to the drink and make it more appealing to those who may not enjoy the natural kombucha taste.

download our kombucha guide and recipe book

FAQs About Kombucha Taste

Does Kombucha Taste Good on the First Sip?

On the first sip, kombucha can be a bit of a shock to the system for those who are used to only sugary sodas or juices. However, for most people, though the tartness can be a bit overpowering at first, after a few sips, they adjust to the kombucha taste and find it quite refreshing.

How Does Kombucha Smell?

Kombucha can have a slightly vinegary smell. This is, again, due to the acetic acid produced during the fermentation process. While this smell can be off-putting to some people, it's not necessarily an indicator of bad or spoiled kombucha. In fact, a slightly vinegary smell can be a green sign that the fermentation process was successful and that the drink contains beneficial probiotics.

kombucha preparation

The Bottom Line for What Does Kombucha Taste Like

To summarize, kombucha has a unique taste that is tangy, slightly sweet, and fizzy. A bunch of different flavors can be added to kombucha during its second fermentation. 

What’s more, several factors can influence kombucha taste. For instance, the type of tea used in making kombucha, the length of the fermentation process, and any additional flavorings or ingredients that are added during kombucha’s second fermentation. 

If you’re interested in making kombucha yourself and embarking on your own flavor experimentation journey, check out our kombucha starter scobys and flavor kits. We also have loads of recipes and helpful articles to help you get started!