Parsnips are great in winter dishes, but also make a tasty fermented pickle. When combined with carrots and ginger, as in this recipe, their sweetness plays off the lactic acid bite of the fermented brine and they are quite refreshing.

15 minutes

48 minutes

- 1 pound parsnips
- 1 pound carrots
- 1 tsp. fresh grated ginger
- 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
- 2 Tbsp. sea salt
- 4 cups water
- Wash parsnips and carrots well. Remove tops and cut lengthwise into small sticks. Cutting the sticks tall enough to fill jar 1 1/2 inches below the rim is helpful for even packing.
- Place grated ginger and red pepper flakes in the bottom of a quart jar. Place parsnip and carrot sticks atop ginger and red pepper flakes, trying to line them up and pack them in as evenly as possible. Leave 1 inch of headspace at the top of the jar.
- Make a brine of 4 cups water to 2 Tbsp. sea salt. Stir to dissolve salt and pour over vegetables, leaving 1 inch of headspace.
- Place the lid on the jar or add the airlock, if using. Ferment at room temperature 5-10 days. If not using an airlock, burp the jars daily to release the fermentation gases.
- Once the initial fermentation period is over, and the carrots and parsnips are as tangy as desired, move jar to cold storage.