No one has ever accused me of being Type A, worked up about to-do lists and deadlines, or obsessed with organization. It’s not that I don’t like to-do lists and organized spaces, it’s just that chaos follows me around like a dust cloud follows Pigpen in a Peanuts cartoon. Part of that is my general forgetfulness. Part of it is that I walk into a room with one intention, see something that triggers a reminder of something else I was supposed to be doing, and then end up forgetting what I walked in to do in the first place. So, yeah, I’m not exactly task-oriented. But I make sourdough breads – wheat, rye, gluten-free – and every type of sourdough pancake you can imagine. That, along with kefir and kombucha, require tending. Since some days it feels like “It’s the children or the ferments, they can’t both get fed,” I sometimes forget to feed them. The ferments, that is. But, again, I need that sourdough starter to create those delicious breads and pancakes. So, how do I keep it alive? Well, not very carefully, but here it is anyway… I only refrigerate my starter in extreme conditions – or when I remember to – so generally it lives with us at room temperature. I cook something with it most days – my boys have finally begun to complain about those sourdough pancakes – so it works well for us.