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    Water Kefir Grains Troubleshooting FAQ


    Water kefir is one of the healthiest beverages you can make at home. Besides packing a powerful punch of probiotics, this tasty drink has also been shown to amp up immunity, slow cancer cell growth, and improve overall health. Every day we are sent thousands of questions about making water kefir, using water kefir grains, and every other question you can think of with water kefir. So with that in mind, we put together the most frequently asked questions about water kefir below! Check it out now!


    Download our free Water Kefir Guide and Recipe today and start learning about making water kefir, from choosing the right ingredients to troubleshooting common problems. Plus, we've included a delicious recipe that will make your water kefir taste amazing.


    Q. I just received my water kefir grains and they don’t appear to be working.

    A. Water kefir grains require 3-4 days to rehydrate. It is common for the taste of the water kefir and the activity level of the kefir grains to change over the first few weeks after the water kefir grains are rehydrated. If you have questions or concerns about your water kefir, please contact Customer Support.

    Q. When I rehydrated my water kefir grains, I didn't see any bubbles. Is that normal?

    A. Yes. There may or may not be any bubbling with newly rehydrated grains. Follow the instructions for making the first batch of water kefir, even if there are no visible signs of culturing after 3-4 days of rehydration.

    Q. The water kefir grains have been rehydrating for 5 days and they look rehydrated but don't appear to be doing anything. Should I wait longer?

    A. Avoid leaving the water kefir grains to rehydrate longer than 4 days. Longer periods without fresh food can starve the water kefir grains. After 3-4 days of rehydration, even if there are no visible signs of culturing, transfer the kefir grains to new sugar water to start the first batch of water kefir.

    Q. I'm not sure my water kefir grains are working properly. What should I do?

    A. Always test aroma and flavor to make sure the water kefir grains are working properly. The finished water kefir should smell pleasant and maybe a bit sour, and it will be less sweet than the sugar water or juice you started with. The liquid will generally lighten in color and turn cloudy during the fermentation period, as well.


    Want to start learning how to make water kefir, or need help troubleshooting a water kefir issue? Download our free Water Kefir Guide and Recipe today!


    download our water kefir guide and recipe book


    Q. I've made a few batches of water kefir and it tastes okay but it smells yeasty or funny. Is that normal?

    A. Maybe. It is normal that the kefir smell a bit yeasty at first.  In the beginning, the yeasty smell is a sign that the yeast and bacteria in the kefir grains are still getting into balance. Normally the yeasty aroma will lessen significantly within a few batches.

    If the yeasty aroma continues, the water kefir may be over-culturing, which can cause an imbalance. Make sure to reduce the culturing time in warmer temperatures, to keep the grains well-fed and in balance.

    With grains that have been in use for a while but have begun to smell yeasty, it can help to add ⅛ of a washed organic lemon to 2-3 batches, to increase acidity and reduce yeast. 

    Q. I've been working with my water kefir grains for a few weeks and the taste of the kefir seems to be changing. It's more fermented than before, a bit less sweet. Is that normal?

    A. Yes, it is normal that the newly rehydrated water kefir grains will mature for the first several weeks, and the flavor of the finished water kefir may change.

    Q. I've been working with my water kefir grains for a few weeks and they still aren't bubbling. What can I do?

    A. It is normal that water kefir not be very bubbly when using refined sugar. Try a darker sugar or add mineral supplementation. To get carbonated finished water kefir, bottling the finished kefir in a tightly-sealed bottle is usually necessary. 

    Q. My water kefir grains aren't multiplying. What can I do?

    A. It's a common misconception that water kefir grains that aren't multiplying are not working.  Water kefir grains are known to multiply, but at times they are reluctant to do so. Even if they do not multiply, with proper care, water kefir grains can be used indefinitely to brew water kefir. Learn more about Encouraging Water Kefir Grains to Multiply

    Q. My water kefir looks cloudy. Is that normal?

    A. Yes, it is normal for the liquid to turn cloudy as it ferments. 

    Q. My water kefir grains have been working well but suddenly they've become slimy.  How can I get them working again?

    A. The grains may have become contaminated or gotten out of balance. Consult our article on Rehabilitating Damaged Water Kefir Grains to give the grains a rest and get them back to work.

    Q. My water kefir grains have become tiny and mushy. What's wrong?

    A. Grains can break apart, disintegrate, and become mushy for a few reasons:

    • Over-culturing: In warmer temperatures, shorten the culturing time and transfer the grains to new sugar water more frequently.
    • Over-mineralization: An unrefined sugar and water that is high in minerals may be too much for the grains. Too much mineral supplementation can also cause grains to break apart and turn mushy or yield syrupy water kefir. Reduce the mineral content of your sugar water solution as soon as possible, to allow the grains to recover.
    • Improper ingredients: Coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey, and other sweeteners are not the best food for water kefir grains. Consult our article on Choosing Water Kefir Ingredients for more information. 

    Q. My finished water kefir is syrupy or thick. What's wrong?

    A. Water kefir can be syrupy for a couple of reasons.

    • Over-mineralization: An unrefined sugar and water that is high in minerals may be too much for the grains. Too much mineral supplementation can also cause grains to break apart and turn mushy or yield syrupy water kefir. Reduce the mineral content of your sugar-water solution as soon as possible, to allow the grains to recover.
    • Improper ingredients: Coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey, and other sweeteners are not the best food for water kefir grains. Consult our article on Choosing Water Kefir Ingredients for more information.

    Q. I forgot about my water kefir on the counter and it's been cultured for more than 72 hours. What should I do? 

    A. The water kefir grains are likely very hungry after more than 48 hours without fresh food. Change the sugar water out every 24 hours for the next few cycles until the water kefir grains start behaving normally again. If it has been longer than 6 days, the odds of saving the water kefir grains are significantly reduced. 

    Q. Some mold has developed on top of the liquid. Can the water kefir grains be saved?

    A. While it is uncommon to find mold developing on a batch of water kefir, it may occasionally happen. White formations on the surface of the kefir may be mold or maybe yeast. Please contact Customer Support before discarding anything.

    If mold does develop, immediately toss the entire batch, including the water kefir grains. Do not try to salvage a moldy batch, even if you do not see mold on the water kefir grains themselves. Doing so may be dangerous to your health. Obtain a new set of water kefir grains, clean the jar thoroughly, and try again another day. 

    Q. Is there something I can do to prevent mold if I’ve had it previously?

    A. If mold has been a problem in the past, or if you know there is mold in your environment, dip, drizzle, or spray the jar cover (coffee filter, cloth napkin, etc.) with distilled white vinegar. Follow up by spraying the cover every other day to deter mold formation. 

    Q. My water kefir grains have multiplied and I'd like to save some as a backup. How do I do that?

    A. Water kefir grains can be stored short-term in the refrigerator or long-term by drying them. 

    Q. My water kefir grains are multiplying quickly. What can I do with the extras?

    A. Water kefir grains make a wonderful gift to friends. Alternately, they can be eaten, blended into smoothies, or shared with chickens or pets. 

    Q. My water kefir tastes flat. How can I increase the amount of carbonation?

    A. There are a few ways to increase the amount of carbonation in water kefir:

    • When working with water kefir grains that were previously dehydrated for shipment, it can take a few batches for the finished kefir to be bubbly. This is normal.
    • Whole unrefined sugars will normally produce more bubbly water kefir than water kefir made with white sugar.
    • Once the culturing process is complete and the grains have been removed, bottle the finished water kefir with or without added flavoring for 24-72 hours in a tightly-sealed bottle, to allow carbonation to build.  Bottling water kefir is necessary for a very fizzy finished water kefir drink. 

    Q. My water kefir flavored with fresh fruit tastes off or too strong or like alcohol. What have I done wrong?

    A. When using fresh fruit to flavor water kefir, remove the fruit after 24 hours. Add fresh fruit every 24 hours if a longer culturing period is desired. See Flavoring Water Kefir for more detailed information.


    Now that all of your frequently asked questions about water kefir grains have been answered, it's the perfect time to jump into using water kefir grains at home!

    Cultures for Health has the largest selection of fermentation and culture products on the web and we even have all of the tools you'll need to start using water kefir at home.

    Our Water Kefir Grains are the perfect way to start making natural gut-healthy soda at home. All you have to do is mix sugar with water and our Water Kefir Grains will do the rest!

    If you're nervous, we also include directions to show you exactly how to start making soda with water kefir grains. We also have a massive section of posts about it to make the process as easy as possible.

    Click here to check out our Water Kefir Grains now!