With their sweetness, carrots are a great vegetable to ferment. They take on the tang produced by lactic acid bacteria quite well and balance it out. With the addition of ginger, this recipe works well as a side dish or added to a salad.

30 minutes

180 minutes

Fermented Vegetable Kit
Grey Celtic Sea Salt
Pickle Packer Vegetable Tamper

Pickle Packer Vegetable Tamper
Pack in vegetables for small-batch fermentation with this Pickle Packer.
- 4 cups coarsely grated carrots
- 1 Tbsp. fresh grated ginger root
- 1 Tbsp. sea salt
- In a medium bowl, mix carrots, ginger, and sea salt. Knead with clean hands or use a Cabbage Crusher until there is enough liquid to cover.
- Transfer the mixture to a quart glass jar, pressing to submerge completely underneath the liquid. If necessary, add a bit of water to completely cover the mixture or use a fermentation weight to keep the vegetables under the liquid.
- Cover the jar with a tight lid, airlock lid, or coffee filter secured with a rubber band.
- Culture at room temperature (60-70°F is preferred) until desired flavor and texture are achieved. If using a tight lid, burp daily to release excess pressure.
- Once the carrots are finished, put a tight lid on the jar and move to cold storage. The flavor will continue to develop as it ages.